The Dos and Don’ts of Cooking with Organic Coconut Sugar

So you’ve decided to use organic coconut sugar. It is a great regular sugar substitute. It can be used as a one-to-one regular sugar substitute, which makes it quite handy. Plus, it offers various benefits, too. Before you use it, it is a good idea to learn more about the sugar.

We can help with that. Here, we tell you the dos and don’ts of cooking with coconut sugar. By learning about the dos and don’ts, you will know what to expect from this unique sweetener.

The Dos and Don’ts of Organic Coconut Sugar


·        Do use it as a one-to-one substitute for regular or brown sugar

In terms of sweetness, coconut sugar is interchangeable with regular sugar and brown sugar. This is one of organic coconut sugar benefits.

·        Do add extra moisture if you’re using it as a brown sugar substitute

While coconut sugar can be used as a one-to-one brown sugar substitute, it doesn’t have the same level of moisture. So, if you want to use organic coconut sugar in a recipe that calls for brown sugar, make sure to add extra moisture.

·        Do grind it if you’re baking with it

Coconut sugar has a coarser texture than regular or brown sugar. If you’re using coconut sugar instead of regular or brown sugar, be sure to grind it to make the grains finer.


·        Don’t expect to get a coconut flavor it

While it is known as coconut sugar, it is not made from coconut meat. Rather, it is made from the sap of the coconut palm tree.

·        Don’t use it in recipes where light color is necessary

Coconut sugar can turn foods brown. So, avoid using it in recipes where light color is necessary.

These are the dos and don’ts of organic coconut sugar. Now that you know the sweetener better, you are better equipped to use it in your cooking, whether as a main ingredient on its own or as a regular sugar substitute.


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