Why use organic coconut flower nectar

organic coconut flower nectar

Organic coconut flower nectar is currently generating a lot of buzz in the market. Raw food enthusiasts are using it as a replacement for agave in sweets. Many families are also switching to it as a healthier option than refined sugar. Here is what you need to know about this excellent alternative sweetener.

Coconut flower nectar: is it good for you?

Not only is coconut nectar delicious, but it also has a lot of health benefits. Here are some of the good things you’ll reap from this product.

  • Natural manufacturing process

Coconut flower nectar is made of the sap gathered from coconut tree flowers. The sap is then boiled over low heat for a long time, resulting in a liquid natural sweetener. No preservatives, chemicals, or animal-based products are used in the process.

  • Low fructose content

Organic coconut nectar syrup is a natural sweetener with a low fructose content compared to other sweeteners like refined sugar, honey, and agave. After the manufacturing process, the fructose concentration of the final liquid is only approximately 10% after the water is removed from the sap. Hence, coconut nectar is a sucrose-based sweetener, making it a good option for those who are fructose intolerant.

  • Low glycemic index, high nutrients

Organic coconut flower nectar has a glycemic index (GI) of 35, lower than other sweeteners. A low GI means it’s less likely to cause drastic increases in blood sugar levels, making it perfect for diabetics. It also naturally contains various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients.

How to use coconut flower nectar

Like bulk coconut sugar, coconut flower nectar is a natural sweetener that can replace other sweetening products such as refined sugar, honey, or agave syrup in various recipes. It’s great for your morning tea or coffee. You can also use it as a syrup for pancakes, toast, ice cream, smoothies, or juice.

Buying tips

When choosing a coconut nectar brand, review the nutrition facts and ingredients. Make certain that all of the ingredients are GMO-free, organic and natural. If you have certain dietary requirements, always double-check for vegan and halal or kosher certifications as well.

Also, remember that this product relies a lot on farmers in third-world countries. Selecting brands that practice fair trade is the best option to support them. These brands not only care about the quality of the organic coconut flower nectar, but also about ethical and sustainable production.

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